Enjoy Unlimited Internet package with the following subscription options:
Maximum Speed Package Price Per Package
Package Name Speed Download
(up to) Upload speed
(up to) Daily Weekly
Regular 153.6 Kbps 128 Kbps 3,000 15,000
Silver 512 Kbps 128 Kbps 5,000 25,000
Platinum 3.1 Mbps 384 Kbps 10,000 50,000
Ultimate 3.1 Mbps 1.8 Mbps 18,000 90,000
Maximum Speed Package Monthly Price Per Package
Package Name Speed Download
(up to) Upload speed
(up to) 1 month 6 months 12 months
Regular 153.6 Kbps 128 Kbps 45,000 ---- ----
Silver 512 Kbps 128 Kbps 75,000 400,000 750,000
Platinum 3.1 Mbps 384 Kbps 140,000 750,000 1,400,000
Ultimate * 3.1 Mbps 1.8 Mbps 275,000 1,450,000 2,750,000
The rate includes 10% tax
Package Silver, Platinum and Ultimate only applicable to customers who use the terminal Smart CDMA EVDO Rev A. and are in the service area of CDMA EVDO Rev A.
Unlimited internet package can be enjoyed by all prepaid and postpaid subscribers Smart (including Jump Smart subscribers).
Expiration Unlimited Internet Package Service
Daily: 1 day: 1 x 24 hours = 24 hours
Weekly: 7 days: 7 x 24 hours = 168 hours
Monthly: 30 days: 30 x 24 hours = 720 hours
If the customers subscribe to the internet package Silver at 15:40 daily, the internet packet services can be enjoyed until 15:39 hours the following day, with a maximum speed is 512 Kbps download and upload speed is 384 Kbps)
How to Subscribe to Internet Unlimited Package
Press * 333 *.*. with the format as the table below, then press OK / Yes.
If the request packet is successful, customers will receive a notification SMS:
USSD code * 333
Service Pack Daily downloads Monthly 6 months 12 months
Regular * 333 * 1 * 0 * 7 * 333 * 0 * 333 * 30 * 0 n / a n / a
Silver * 333 * 1 * 1 * 7 * 333 * 1 * 333 * 30 * 1 * 180 * 333 * 1 * 360 * 333 * 1
Platinum * 333 * 1 * 3 * 7 * 333 * 3 * 333 * 30 * 3 * 180 * 333 * 3 * 360 * 333 * 3
Ultimate * 333 * 1 * 4 * 7 * 333 * 4 * 333 * 30 * 4 * 180 * 333 * 4 * 360 * 333 * 4
Enjoy unlimited internetan with xxxx Kbps maximum speed (according to package) s / d dd / mm / yyyy hh: mm pm (applicable date packages)
Example: Customers subscribe to a daily Platinum package on 24/04/2009 at 13:00.
Enjoy unlimited internetan with a maximum speed of 3.1 Mbps s / d 25/04/2009 12:59
If customers call * 333 (no charge) in a state or not has not been subscribed to Internet Unlimited Package, customers will receive a notification SMS:
Activation / registration SMS 333
Service Pack Daily downloads Monthly 6 months 12 months
Regular regular1 regular7 regular30 n / a n / a
Silver silver1 silver7 silver30 silver180 silver360
Platinum platinum1 platinum7 platinum30 platinum180 platinum360
Ultimate ultimate1 ultimate7 ultimate30 ultimate180 ultimate360
For daily unlimited internetan tel * 333 * 1, weekly * 333 * 7, monthly * 333 * 30.
Direct connection to the Internet.
A Public IP to a single user the ultimate package that can be recognized by a global network Internet.
Flexibility surf.
No need to wait long to download from certain websites which imposed limits on public IP.
Faster process / not broken for certain applications such as VOIP, streaming, and online gaming.
Customers who are subscribed to the service Unlimited internet package, can not be done until the new registration packet who was walking over the validity period.
Smart cards must be in the active period and not in the blocking due to having problems.
If the subscription period Internet Unlimited Package, the customer card into the grace period then the customer can not enjoy the Internet Unlimited Package. Customers can enjoy unlimited Internet package back to the customer when the card is active again and during the Limit Internet package is still valid / not yet finished.
Make sure at the time of purchase Unlimited Internet package, your internet connection does not connect / disconnect.
Unlimited internet package can not be enjoyed if you still have access bonus data (eg data on the Smart bonuses Jump).
Haier D1200P phone types and all Nokia CDMA which features the internet has only equal speed internet access REGULAR package. When customers subscribe to the package above REGULAR speed, then the pulse will remain cut off customers even though the speed of Internet access speeds equivalent REGULAR package.
Motorola MotoQ phone types have only Internet access speeds up to 2.4 Mbps (in between the speed and package Silver package Platinum). If customers do the registration for Platinum and Ultimate packages (3.1 Mbps maximum speed), then the customer's pulse will remain cut off even though MAXIMUM speed Internet access to equal 2.4 Mbps.
Axesstel Modem type MV-140B has a capacity equal speed internet access ULTIMATE package.
SOURCE :Smart Telecom